Forrester found that C-level leaders are struggling to understand how their security is performing and how to adequately report that performance to the board and other C-level leadership.
Taking Data Privacy Further: Prioritizing Privacy and Continuous Improvement

Bitsight, the Standard in Security Ratings, has established itself as not only a clear leader in security ratings but now also in the burgeoning field of data privacy.
In an effort to demonstrate to its customers how seriously it takes protecting their data, and to lead the market to implement more comprehensive data privacy systems and practices, Bitsight is now the proud recipient of TrustArc’s TRUSTe APEC CBPR Enterprise Certification and the TRUSTe APEC PRP Enterprise Certification.
In order to receive this designation, Bitsight completed a demanding certification process based on a comprehensive set of requirements governing data privacy management practices, including the privacy standards set forth in the APEC Cross Border Privacy Rules (CBPR) and the APEC Privacy Recognition for Processors (PRP) Systems. These practices are further detailed in the TRUSTe Enterprise Privacy & Data Governance Practices Assessment Criteria.
Our customers rely on us to keep the personal data they provide to us secure, and we want them to know that we take protection very seriously - and will continue to pursue the rigorous standards and certifications that take us that one step further.
There are only a handful of companies across the globe that have been recognized with TrustArc’s TRUSTe APEC CBPR and PRP Enterprise Certifications, and Bitsight is proud to now be included on that exclusive list. If you would like to learn more about our certification or the process in general, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or check out our certification listing here.