Bitsight for executive cybersecurity reporting.

There’s enormous pressure on businesses to get cybersecurity right. Executives are feeling a heightened need to protect their organizations’ reputations and bottom lines. Security managers also feel it as they shield their networks and data from industrious hackers and do their part to protect their businesses daily. In fact, Gartner predicts 40% of boards will have a dedicated cybersecurity committee by 2025.

Successful cybersecurity protection can only be achieved if everyone’s on the same page about how best to defend against threats and prioritize budget. 

That’s not always the case. Executives aren’t always familiar with technical metrics or jargon, while security managers often aren’t connecting cyber risk to real world business outcomes the C-suite cares about.

Bitsight can help you bridge that communications gap – and better defend against threats.

Clearly communicate your organization and vendor's cybersecurity reality

Quantify cyber risk in financial terms

Show how your company’s security program stacks up

Get a source of truth into regulatory compliance

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Stop talking about the technical aspects of your company’s security apparatus. Start translating how well prepared (or not) your organization is to defend itself against a cyberattack in terms executives easily understand.

Bitsight Executive Reports lets you quickly pull digestible metrics that reframe the conversation about cybersecurity into one about business risk. For example, you can present information on how many vulnerabilities you have in your digital ecosystem and their severity – i.e., their likelihood of contributing to a breach – so that executives and board members can make more informed decisions about where investments and resources are needed.

They won’t make those decisions without current data, however. That's where Bitsight Security Ratings excel. With Bitsight Security Ratings, you can track your cybersecurity performance over time and in real-time. Through a historical perspective, you can give your executives what they want -- a strategically sound, data-supported argument to combat cyber risk. In turn, you’re more likely to get what you need — leadership’s support for your cybersecurity initiatives.

Financial Quantification for Enterprise Cyber Risk Product Screenshot

“Bottom line it for me”– that’s what every executive wants. How will an attack impact our balance sheet? What will it cost us in total?

With Bitsight Financial Quantification you can simulate your organization’s financial exposure across thousands of cyber events, including ransomware, denial of service, compliance issues, supply chain attacks, and more.

By transforming the technical side of cybersecurity into financial language, you can guide boardroom and C-suite discussions around cyber risk management, and justify new technology investments.

TPRM Portfolio Risk Matrix

Executives know that many incidents begin not in the enterprise, but within their corporate supply chains. They understand that a vulnerability somewhere down the line can hurt their own businesses. As such, keeping track of third-party and supply chain vulnerabilities is essential.

With Bitsight you can present leadership with information on the effectiveness of your third-party risk management (TPRM) program and supply chain security from a central platform. Visualize and report on where cyber risk exists in your vendor portfolio and single out the vendors that present the most risk.

With these insights, executive teams can review the efficacy of current TPRM assessments and controls and develop strategies to further reduce risk.

Peer Analytics

Leaders are always comparing how their companies are doing against the competition, and striving to do as good or better than peers. These comparisons also include how their organizations’ security postures stack up.

Show how your company’s security performance compares to its peers and competitors, and what cybersecurity trends are happening across your industry. Inform executive decision making about the security targets your company should strive for and where its current security program falls short.

With this understanding, you can collaborate with leadership to create informed improvement plans, advocate for increased cybersecurity funding, and regularly report on how your program aligns with or exceeds industry security benchmarks. You can gain a competitive cybersecurity advantage – and set your organization apart from the rest.

Bill Brown
CIO & CISO, Veracode

"Being able to show our Board, leaders, and even customers and partners how Veracode is performing over time and relative to others in our space is a powerful tool for communicating our commitment to security excellence, and has also become a terrific competitive differentiator."

Technology Regulation Logos

The regulatory compliance landscape is continually changing. It’s important to ensure your security measures keep up.

Report effectively on your organization’s adherence to evolving cybersecurity regulations and standards including NIST, GDPR, HIPAA, ISO, and more.

Bitsight empowers you and your leadership to have data-driven discussions about your organization’s compliance, potential risk exposure, and what’s needed to mature your cybersecurity performance.


The most statistically significant and correlated with the likelihood of cyber incidents? Marsh McLennan’s study proves just how spot on our cybersecurity performance measurement is.