16 At-a-Glance Cybersecurity KPIs to Add to Your Security Dashboard
Cybersecurity professionals are used to looking at real-time numbers from their SIEM software, security ratings platform, incident prevention system, and other tech solutions. These products each come with their own security dashboard, giving IT, risk, and security personnel quick (or not, depending on the UI) access to the information they need to do their jobs effectively.
However, the data displayed by security-specific tech solutions is sometimes very technical in nature, and doesn’t provide a complete picture of risk. With less-technically skilled individuals on the Board and in the C-suite taking on an increasingly significant role in cybersecurity oversight, it’s often useful to provide more straightforward, aggregated information. Numbers that are easy for everyone to understand and communicate the broad spectrum of cyber risk a company is facing help users save time and energy.
We’ve compiled 16 valuable, easy-to-understand cybersecurity and cyber risk KPIs that can be integrated into a security dashboard for any member of an organization who wants to become more aware of cyber risk. These metrics come from a variety of sources and indicate risks caused by technical issues, security diligence, human behavior, and more.
You’ll notice we’ve included a fair amount of KPIs that can be found on the BitSight Security Ratings Platform. Our platform is designed to help security and risk eaders quantify cyber risk, and therefore provides several metrics that are useful for the purposes laid out above. However, BitSight is by no means the only source of at-a-glance cyber risk data.