Read news articles covering Bitsight, the leader in security ratings. We're proud to be featured in these leading business & technology publications, journals, blogs, and broadcasts.
In The News

First on CNN Business: Moody's is spending $250 million to measure the risk of America's biggest companies getting hacked. Read the coverage.

Boston’s Bitsight raises $250 million from Moody’s, as ratings firm gauges corporate America’s cyber risk. Read the coverage.

Bitsight Chief Technology Officer Stephen Boyer discusses how the work from home transition en masse presented new cybersecurity challenges.

Bitsight Chief Technology Officer Stephen Boyer discusses how threat actors have gotten increasingly adept at spoofing text messages and more.

Bitsight Chief Technology Officer Stephen Boyer discusses how "[a] lot of the malware that used to be found on office networks has shifted to residential networks since employees are working from home during COVID-19" and more.

Cyberattacks can force supply chains to shut down and cause significant losses for businesses. CTO and co-founder of Bitsight Stephen Boyer looks at what companies need to do to better protect themselves. This article first appeared in the July 2021 issue of Food and Drink Business.

Jacob Olcott, vice president at Bitsight Technologies, said the "education sector has been the worst-performing sector" from a cybersecurity perspective and has been so "for years," adding that the comparatively lengthy amount of time it takes education organizations to patch vulnerabilities is one of the key factors. Citing Bitsight analysis, Olcott said "organizations with poor patching performance are nearly seven times more at risk of a ransomware attack."

The Boston Globe discusses how business is booming for Massachusetts information-security firms, including Bitsight.
In This CPO Magazine article, the author discusses how attacks on critical national infrastructure is a growing cybercrime trend. They use Bitsight research on the cybersecurity effectiveness of the food industry as evidence of vulnerabilities in CNI.
In this article about the latest White House letter on Ransomware, CPO Magazine references the recent study by Bitsight which found that about 40% of the food production industry is failing to keep up with security patches, something that might have averted the JBS ransomware attack.

In this Threat Post article, Bitsight is quoted when referencing that more than 70 percent of food companies are at increased risk of ransomware due to “less-than-ideal” security practices. ”

Bitsight CTO Stephen Boyer said in an email to ZDNet that 40% of food production companies face an increased risk of a ransomware incident due to poor patching practices..

Jake Olcott, vice president of government affairs at Bitsight, discussed the Colonial Pipeline incident & why continuous monitoring is a must. Read more.

Jake Olcott, vice president of government affairs at Bitsight, comments on supply chain issues and threats when it comes coffee growers, manufacturers, and more. Read more.

Bitsight data used as evidence by New York Times as they explore how the intelligence agencies missed massive intrusions by Russia and China, forcing the administration and Congress to look for solutions, including closer partnership with private industry.